Website maintenance and support services

Choosing the Right Ecommerce Platform: What to Consider

Picking the perfect ecommerce platform is a big deal. It’s like choosing the right tool for your business success. To make the best decision, think about these important things:

1. Cost and Pricing

Money matters. Look at how much you’ll pay at the start and over time. This includes hosting fees, transaction charges, extra services, plugins, and any needed development work.

2. Easy to Use

Your platform should be simple and easy to figure out, especially if tech stuff isn’t your thing. You should be able to add products, make discounts, handle orders, and keep track of what’s in stock without getting stuck.

3. Can Grow with You

Your business should grow, and so should your platform. Make sure it can handle more visitors and sales as your business gets bigger. Look for options that have bigger plans or can get new features when you need them.

4. Make It Yours

Your online store should show off your brand. You should be able to change how it looks, move things around, and add or remove stuff as you want.

5. Keep Things Safe

Safety is super important. You’ll deal with sensitive customer info like credit card details. Make sure the platform follows security rules and gives you SSL certificates.

6. Works Well with Others

Your platform should play nice with other software you use, like email marketing or accounting tools. Check if it can work with them.

it support for small business - abstract form illustration
Choosing the Right Ecommerce Platform: What to Consider

7. Works on Phones Too

Lots of people shop on their phones. So, your platform needs to work well on mobiles and tablets. Look for mobile-friendly themes or templates.

8. Help When You Need It

Find platforms with good customer service that’s always ready to help. This is a must when things go wrong or if you need help.

9. Helps You Market

Your platform should support your marketing. Look for things like social media links, email marketing tools, ways to bring back abandoned carts, and customer reviews.

10. Handles Inventory

Depending on your store’s size, you might need a platform that’s great at keeping track of what you have. Things like easily adding or removing lots of items, alerts for low stock, and dealing with different versions of a product.

11. Different Ways to Pay

Make sure your platform lets customers pay the way they want, like with cards, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, and others.

Remember, It’s About You

The perfect ecommerce platform is different for each business. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. What’s best for your online store depends on your goals and what you need. Whether it’s about money or features, there’s a platform out there for everyone. So, find one that’s easy to use and can grow with your store. Don’t be afraid to try a few out before you decide. Free trials can help you see if a platform is the right fit.

IT Support for Your Ecommerce Website: A Must for Small Businesses

When you’re running a small e-commerce business, having reliable IT support is like having a trusted partner by your side. Your online store’s success depends on your website working smoothly, and that’s where IT support comes in. They make sure everything tech-related is running like clockwork, so you can focus on growing your business. From solving tech glitches to keeping your customer data safe, IT support is your guardian in the digital world.

Imagine a situation where your website suddenly goes down or faces technical issues during a busy shopping season. This is where IT support shines. They’re the experts who can swoop in and fix the problem before it becomes a big headache. And if you’re not a tech wizard, that’s okay. IT support can explain things in a simple way, so you know what’s going on.

But it’s not just about fixing problems. IT support can also help you set up new features, improve your website’s performance, and make sure everything is secure. With cyber threats on the rise, having IT support means you’re putting up a strong defense against hackers and data breaches. They’ll make sure your customers’ information is safe, giving them the confidence to shop on your website.

For small businesses, every penny counts. Investing in IT support might seem like an extra expense, but it’s an investment in the health and growth of your e-commerce business. When things run smoothly and your customers have a great experience, they’ll keep coming back for more. And that’s the secret to long-term success in the world of e-commerce.

So, if you’re a small e-commerce business owner, don’t overlook the importance of IT support. It’s like having a tech-savvy friend who’s always there to lend a hand. With IT support on your side, you can confidently run your online store, knowing that your website is in capable hands.

Why Remote Website Support Services: Smart Choice for Small Business

If you run a small e-commerce business, you know that your website is like your virtual store. It’s where customers come to buy your products or services. But what happens when your website faces any technical issues? That’s where remote website support services comes in to save the day and money.

Let’s break down why having website support for Small business, especially for your e-commerce website is a really good idea. The reasons:

  • Keeps Your Store Open 24/7
  • Fixes Problems Fast
  • Tailored Solutions for You
  • Yes, Saves You Money
  • More Time for You
  • Always Learning About the Latest Stuff
  • Security Guard for Your Online Store

In detail:

Remote Website Support Keeps Your Store Open 24/7

Just like your physical store would be open all day and night, your e-commerce website needs to be ready all the time. Remote website support is like having a superhero team watching over your website day and night. If anything goes wrong, they can fix it quickly, even during weekends and holidays. This means your customers can shop whenever they want without any interruptions.
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Fixes Problems Fast

Imagine your website suddenly stops working, and customers can’t buy anything. With remote website support, you can get help super fast. They don’t have to come to your place – they can fix things online. It’s like having a repair person at your doorstep with a click. This means your business keeps running smoothly, and you don’t lose customers.

Tailored Solutions for You

When you hire a remote website support team for small business, you’re getting a bunch of experts who know all about websites and technology. They can find solutions that fit your e-commerce store perfectly. It’s like having a team of website doctors who know just the right medicine for your website’s health.

Remote website support for Shopify: Sell to every buyer, everywhere
Shopify: Sell to every buyer, everywhere

Yes, Saves You Money

Hiring your own IT person or team can be really expensive. But remote website support is more affordable. You get top-notch help without the big price tag. Plus, you don’t have to worry about paying for their visits or emergencies – they can fix things online.

More time for your business

Running an e-commerce business is busy work. You have to manage products, customers, and more. With remote website support for small business, you don’t have to stress about technical issues. They take care of that side of things, and you can focus on growing your business.

Always Learning About the Latest Stuff

Technology is always changing. It’s like a big puzzle, and remote website support teams are the puzzle masters. They keep up with all the new trends and updates, so you don’t have to. This means your website stays modern and safe for your customers.

Security Guard for Your Online Store

Your customers trust you with their information when they shop online. Remote remote website support doesn’t just fix problems – they also make sure your website is safe from cyber-attacks. It’s like having a security guard that keeps bad guys away from your online store.

Brands that love Woocommerce
Brands that love Woocommerce

In Conclusion: why choose remote website support

Your e-commerce website is your digital shopfront. To keep it running smoothly and safely, having remote website support is a smart move. They’re like your website’s superheroes, ready to fix problems, keep it safe, and let you focus on making your business awesome. So, if you’re running an e-commerce business, consider getting remote website support. It’s like having a tech team that’s always got your back.

(Note: This article provides simple explanations to help understand the benefits of remote website support for e-commerce businesses.)

Website development: platform selection

Which platform should I use to create a future website?

The first question that a future website owner asks themselves (after the question of cost, of course) is which platform they should choose to build their project. Should it be a custom-coded website, built on a framework, or perhaps based on one of the CMS options, or would it be simpler to use an online website builder?

Let’s go through each option one by one. First, we need to understand the nature of the website because each goal has its own solution.

Custom-Coded Websites

Custom-coded websites are developed for large e-commerce stores, news aggregators, blogs, government portals, and major online projects. The cost of such websites is high due to their complexity and labor-intensive nature.

Creating such projects requires hiring a dedicated team (with embedded skills such as PHP, Smarty, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, and MySQL database construction), as well as UX/UI designers, front-end developers, testers, and internet marketers.

These websites have strict security requirements. Additionally, high-speed performance and clean code are essential. Another distinguishing feature of custom-coded websites is their uniqueness: there are almost no limitations on the design and functionality of the future site.

Since the code of such websites is written from scratch, they can handle heavy loads without compromising loading speed. This is achieved by developing a unique website architecture tailored to specific objectives.


The next option for creating a website is using frameworks, with Symfony, Laravel, and Yii being the most popular choices. Frameworks are commonly used by specialists aiming for business logic and high performance. Such websites have similarities to custom-coded ones but offer greater flexibility for customization. The cost of these websites is also high compared to CMS options but lower than custom-coded projects.

CMS (Content Management System)

CMS is the most suitable method for creating websites on the internet. It is suitable for various types of websites such as portfolios, business websites, blogs, online stores, corporate websites, and other internet projects with moderate to low traffic. There are numerous CMS options available, both free and paid, each with different functionality and purposes. The most popular ones include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, OpenCart, PrestaShop, 1C-Bitrix (for the Russian-speaking market), Magento, and many others. Among them, WordPress holds the top position, being used by 42.6% of all websites, which accounts for 65.2% of the CMS market, according to

CMS stands out from the other platforms mentioned above due to its simplicity. It essentially provides a constructor with ready-made solutions for various tasks. The advantages of CMS websites include:

  • Fast website development, typically ranging from two weeks to one and a half months.
  • Lower cost compared to websites built on frameworks or custom-coded projects.

However, they may have limited functionality (requiring additional plugins) and are vulnerable to system weaknesses. The large and active CMS community quickly addresses such vulnerabilities, making CMS platforms reliable. It is important to regularly update and maintain CMS installations to ensure a secure website. You can find more information about website technical support in our article.

Website Builders

The most popular website builders include Wix, Tilda, Readymag, and Shopify.

Website builders are online services that allow you to build a website using pre-designed templates without the need for designers or developers. Website builders do not require programming skills or knowledge of web development. Additionally, you do not need to purchase or configure hosting, as the website is automatically hosted by the service. The cost of such websites is relatively low and typically consists of the subscription fees, which are usually billed monthly or annually.

The disadvantages of website builders include:

  • Inability to host the website on a different hosting provider.
  • Limited customization options as you are restricted to the features and templates provided by the website builder.
Shopify store example
Shopify store example


In conclusion, when considering the platform for creating a future website, there are several options to explore. Handcrafted websites are suitable for large-scale e-commerce platforms, news aggregators, and government portals, as they offer unparalleled customization and security but require a skilled team of developers. Frameworks like Symfony, Laravel, and Yii provide a balance between business logic and performance, making them a popular choice for complex projects. Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal offer simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and a wide range of functionalities, making them suitable for various types of websites. Lastly, website builders like Wix, Tilda, Readymag, and Shopify provide convenience and affordability but come with limitations in terms of customization and SEO optimization.

Choosing the right platform depends on the specific goals, requirements, and resources of the website owner. Each option has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to evaluate them carefully. Whether it’s a meticulously crafted handcrafted website, a framework-based solution, a CMS-driven platform, or a user-friendly website builder, the ultimate aim is to create a successful and functional online presence that aligns with the objectives of the project.